Business Channel 2007-10-28&10-30, 爱立信股价大跌背后(在线收听

Where did it all start to go wrong for Ericsson ?

Well I think it's important to understand the, the overall development here at the market place. It's, It's we see no change in that. We have fairly few full networks in the world, increasing traffic and operate this on global financial stage. What we are seeing here in this quarter is that we lost some important and higher margin upgrades and software sales in September. And those are all to be harder to spot than they are typically very stable because they reflect the traffic increase . And we are also on the other hand having a, a larger share than ever before of role of the new networks which count initially with low margin but build for a good future.

So why was it specifically then that your CFO Karl Sundstrom stepped down?

Well that was his… his own initiative. He came a couple of the days ago and, and he was disappointed with the third quarter and he felt that was a good time to, to leave. He's been working 5 years with that. I don't think there's any shadow falls over him, if we could have spotted the..the sales development in the high margin sales, the last couple of weeks better, it, that is something that comes back to all of us. Now Hans Vestberg comes in and he's a ...he's a great guy comes from internal in Ericssion New Orleans, he has a strong financial background.

So where do you go from here? How do you start rebuilding confidence in Ericsson for ,for your investors?

Well confidence is all the ways into performance and educating and informing the markets from where we are heading and that's, that's obviously where we fell short. We can't do much about the development in the market. But I think we could have explained better on the dynamics about what can happen and then of course we need to figure out if there are better better tracking systems of the higher margin softwares and so on that conflate in the core so that we can... we could have learnt about and informed about . But obviously from here it is important to understand that the new network growth last week continued to be in higher proportion than it's been before, but it builds a better footprint for the future. We will probably continue to see some of the short falls in the upgrades and expansions because that is an effect of consolidation monopoly, that is up to some of these running decisions on hold. But overall I think we are in great shape and we are gonna build even an even stronger company learning from this.


Fall short: to fail the fulfillment of certain obligation and standard
