《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第9集第19期:漫漫长夜(在线收听

What are you doing here?


Uh, your window was open. I thought you should know.

你的窗户开着 我以为你知道

Not funny.Look, earlier today, I lied.

一点也不好玩 听着 今天早些时候 我说谎了

About? About being in bed with you.

什么谎 和你躺在一张床上

We cuddled, and it creeped me out.It creeped you out?

我们抱在一起 我有点吓到了 吓到你了?

I mean, did you just come over here to insult me or what?

我说 你是来羞辱我 还是来干嘛的

Because it's been a really long night.Aren't you gonna invite me in?

那可是一个漫漫长夜啊 不 只是...我不喜欢你

I never have, but.It was nice.What?Being in bed with you, it felt nice.

我从没喜欢过你 但那感觉很好 什么 和你一起在床上 那感觉很好

And so, I was thinking about it,And I thought that I should tell you

所以 我一直在想 我想我应该告诉你

I stayed the night because you were all sad and alone


And I felt bad for you.Well, thank you,'Cause I love being a charity case.

我为你感到难过 好吧 多谢了 我就喜欢被人可怜

You can leave now.No, because I know...

可以走了 不 我理解这种感觉

With Vicki gone and my mom off with Pete whoever,

薇姬不告而别 我妈也跟皮特跑了

It's just me, so...I know.Katherine never compelled me.

只留下我一人 所以 我感同身受 凯瑟琳从没强迫过我

I knew everything every step of the way.


It was real for me.I'll leave now.

那对我来说很真实 我现在要走了

I don't understand, Elena, what happened to me.

我不懂 埃琳娜 刚才怎么了

He attacked me, and...His face was like...

他袭击了我 他的脸变了

How do you feel? Are you ok?I'm fine.

你感觉怎样 没事吧 我没事

It's... it's just this blood. I don't...

只是这些血 我不知道
