NBC晚间新闻 路易斯安娜夫妇发现过期中奖彩票(在线收听

Tonight one lucky Louisiana couple has a lot more to be grateful for and it's all because of some pre-Thanksgiving chores that used to be a bore. I just sat there with you know receipts and other lottery tickets and just accumulated and we were sitting there for a long time. Tina and Harold Arenberg tidying their house before relatives arrived this week when they literally cleaned up.

One of several unchecked lottery tickets on their nightstand was a winner, 1.8 million dollars. The lucky numbers drawn back in June. Handed the ticket to him and I said, I'm gonna call out the numbers and let me know what you think, what you think. Yeah I thought something must have been wrong. And in this case timing is everything. The Louisiana Lottery ticket would have expired in just two weeks. And we were that close. The moral of the story is check your tickets and don't wait. Talk about a little extra gravy on Thanksgiving.

