英国新闻听力 三名美国驻墨西哥领事馆雇员遇害(在线收听

The United States has authorized the departure of government dependents from Mexican border cities, following fatal attacks by suspected drug traffickers on consular staff. In two separate incidents, one official from the US consulate in Ciudad Juárez was killed along with two others connected with the mission. Madeleine Morris reports from Washington.

An American female consulate employee, her husband and infant daughter were returning from a party on Saturday when their car came under gunfire in Juarez. Both adults were killed; the child survived. In a separate attack, the Mexican husband and two children of another consulate employee were also shot at after leaving the same party. He was killed and the two children suffered injuries. President Barack Obama has expressed outrage of what he called "the brutal murders", and he's vowed to help bring the killers to justice.

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is in Haiti to inspect what has been described as the most challenging emergency his organization has ever dealt with. Two months after the earthquake that hit the island, hundreds of thousands of people, possibly more than a million are still without adequate shelter and sanitation. Mark Doyle reports from the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince.

As the secretary-general's executive jet flew in over Port-au-Prince, he would have been able to see the great expanses of tents and tarpaulins that a large proportion of the homeless population here are now living under after their houses collapsed. Aid workers are racing against time to try to get hundreds of thousands of other homeless people into camps before the heavy rainy season begins. The UN secretary-general is due to visit one camp that's been established on a former golf course.

The latest results from Iraq's parliamentary election show that the incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is strengthening his lead over his rivals. Andrew North in Baghdad has the details.

Iraq's election commission has now released partial results for all the country's 18 provinces. They show the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki leading in seven, his main challenger Ayad Allawi is ahead in five, including as expected in three predominantly Sunni provinces. There is one surprise that Mr Allawi is also in the lead in the oil-rich province of Kirkuk where the Kurds were expected to be on top. Complete results are not expected for at least another few days, but talks on forming a new coalition government will now get under way in earnest.

The head of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland, the Cardinal Sean Brady, is facing calls for his resignation after it emerged that in the 1970s he represented the church at a meeting where two abuse victims were asked to swear an oath of silence. The teenagers said they'd been sexually assaulted by Father Brendan Smyth who was later jailed for child abuse. Cardinal Brady insists he did nothing wrong and said he didn't tell the police about the allegations because he wasn't the person designated to do so.

World News from the BBC

Initial results of only first round of the French regional elections indicate that President Nicolas Sarkozy's centre-right allies are heading for defeat. The results suggest the Socialists are likely to emerge as the largest single party and that the centre-left and the Greens would get more than half the vote. There's also been a strong showing by the far-right National Front.

Tens of thousands of people have held a day of protest in the Thai capital Bangkok, giving the government until noon on Monday to resign and call elections. The government which the protesters say was installed illegally has indicated it'll not bow to their demands. Rachel Harvey in Bangkok was at the rally.

The red-shirt protesters are settled in for the night. They are still here in very large numbers on the streets and they've heard now from the former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra who called in to the rally from his self-imposed exile. Many of the people here on the streets are of course supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra. He congratulated the protesters on their show of strength and told them that they were a part of Thailand's history, bringing true democracy to the country. He also urged the demonstrators to remain peaceful and patient.

A television station in Georgia has apologized for causing panic with a fake news report about a Russian invasion. The broadcast frightened many people who were reminded of the brief war between Russia and Georgia in 2008. The television station said the aim was to show what it called the real threat of how future events might unfold. A leading Russian parliamentarian has described the broadcast as a provocation.

A funeral has taken place of Nigeria's longest serving traditional ruler Alhaji Aliyu Musdafa who had ruled the Emirate of Adamawa since 1953. He was buried at his palace in the city of Yola. He died on Saturday at the age of 90. Correspondents say Aliyu Musdafa was noted for his religious tolerance and ability to maintain harmony between different religious and ethnic groups.

贩毒分子对美国领事馆雇员发动了致命袭击之后,美国批准政府附属人员离开墨西哥边境城市。在两次独立的事件中,美国领事馆一名官员在华雷斯遇难,一起遇难的还有另外两名与该任务有关的人员。Madeleine Morris在华盛顿报道。


联合国秘书长潘基文抵达海地视察被描述为联合国所遇到的最具挑战性的紧急救援行动。地震袭击海地之后两个月,数十万,也可能超过一百万民众仍然没有充足的庇护所和环境设施。Mark Doyle在海地首都太子港报道。


伊拉克议会选举最新结果表明,现任总理马利基相对其竞争对手的领先趋势增强。Andrew North在巴格达报道详细信息。


爱尔兰罗马天主教堂领袖Sean Brady主教面临要求辞职的呼声。因为据披露,在上世纪70年代他曾代表教堂参加一个会议,两名虐待事件受害人被要求发誓保持沉默。这两名青少年说,他们被Brendan Smyth神父性虐待,此人后来因虐童事件入狱。Brady主教称,他没有做任何错事。他说,他没有将相关指控告诉警察是因为他不是这样做的指定人选。



泰国首都曼谷千百万人举行了为期一天的抗议活动,限定政府在周一下午之前辞职,进行选举。抗议者称现在的政府是非法组建的。而政府则表示,他们不会向这些要求屈服。 Rachel Harvey就在曼谷的集会现场。



尼日利亚为在位时间最长的传统统治者Alhaji Aliyu Musdafa举行葬礼。Musdafa从1953年开始统治Emirate of Adamawa。他被葬在Yola市的宫殿中。Musdafa于周六去世,享年90岁。记者表示,Aliyu Musdafa因其宗教包容性和在不同的宗教和民主团体见保持和谐的能力而著称。
