密歇根新闻广播 加拿大人买国货抵制特朗普关税政策(在线收听


Canadians are unhappy.

President Trump's tariffs on Canadian-made steel and aluminum exported to the US has fired up many Canadian leaders and consumers.

On Sunday, Canada slapped tariffs on 12.63 billion dollars worth of American-made goods in retaliation. There's been a growing movement among Canadian consumers to boycott US-made products and services. Hashtags like "I Shop Canada", "Buy Canadian", and "Boycott USA" are taking off across social media in Canada.

Beth Mouratidis lives in Barrie, Ontario. She's using her Facebook page to urge her fellow Canadians to shun U.S.-made products and Buy Canadian. Listen above to learn why there is such a strong pushback against Trump's tariffs in Canada, and why Beth believes that trade wars cost jobs and "hurt everyone" involved in them. (Subscribe to the Stateside podcast on iTunes, Google Play, or with this RSS link)
