NBC晚间新闻 优步称将提升无人驾驶汽车安全性(在线收听

Tonight, uber promising safety over speed for its self-driving cars. Now back on the road in Pittsburgh. The news nine months after uber driverless car killed a woman crossing a street in Tempe, the car's backup driver looking at her phone. Uber's got a long way to go to build that public trust particularly when we're talking about driverless cars.

A New York Times report showed the cars failing 10 out of 70 safety tests. In a statement uber says we've made safety core to everything we do. We are ready to move forward. The safety changes significant. Ubers slashing the top speed from 55 miles an hour to 25, promising to only drive during the day lights on weekdays. For now the self-driving cars are only for testing no passengers yet as uber tries to steer the program in a safer direction.

