《唐顿庄园》精讲38 仆人对贝茨的感情(在线收听

Mr Bates? Are you there?

Bates先生 你在吗

I brought something up, in case you were hungry.

我怕你饿了 拿了点吃的上来

That's very kind.


I'm ever so sorry you're going.

你要走 我很难过

I'll be all right.


Of course you will. There's always a place for a man like you.

当然 你这样的人 哪都会欢迎的

Oh, yes... Something will turn up.

是啊 会有转机的

Tell us...when you're fixed.

等定下来 告诉我们

Just...drop us a line. Else I'll worry.

给个消息 免得我担心

Well, we can't have that.

好 我会的
