《唐顿庄园》精讲52 隆重的欢迎仪式(在线收听

Why are they here at all when you're going to undo it?

既然打算撤销限定继承 怎么还邀请他们来做客

Your father's not convinced it can be undone.


But you'll still try.Granny and I are willing to try.

你还在争取吧 我和奶奶都在争取

And Papa is not?


We'll bring him round, you'll see.

会说服他的 等着瞧吧

We're trying to find a lawyer who'll take it on.


So What are they like?


She's nice enough, but he's very full of himself.

她很和善 但他很自以为是

Why do you say that? Just an impression.

这怎么讲 印象而已

Let's go down and you can decide for yourself.

下楼吧 你就能自行判断了

Hello again.


It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Mrs Crawley.

很高兴终于见到您了 Crawley夫人

We're delighted to be here.Aren't we, Matthew?

我们也很高兴来此 你说呢 Matthew

Delighted. Welcome to Downton.

非常高兴 欢迎来到唐顿

Thank you. You've been so kind.What a reception committee!

谢谢 您考虑得很周到 如此隆重的欢迎仪式

Yes. Thank you.

的确 谢谢

This is Carson. We'd all be lost without him.

这位是Carson 唐顿可不能没有他

Mama, may I present Matthew Crawley and Mrs Crawley?

妈妈 请允许我给您介绍Crawley夫人及其令郎

My mother, Lady Grantham.

那位是我的母亲 Grantham夫人

What should we call each other?


Well, we could always start with Mrs Crawley and Lady Grantham.


Come into the drawing room and we can make all the introductions.

随我来客厅吧 可以在那认识下大家
