《唐顿庄园》精讲57 少嚼舌根(在线收听

I'm sorry, but I have standards.

恕我无礼 但我有自己的标准

I've just seen something ever so odd.


If anyone thinks I'm going to pull my forelock and curtesy to this Mr Nobody from nowhere.


O'Brien!Were you discussing Mr Crawley?

O'Brien 你刚才是在说Crawley先生吗

Yes, m'lady.

是的 夫人

Is it your place to do so?


I've got my opinions, m'lady, same as anybody.


Can I help your ladyship?

有什么事吗 夫人

This is the button we're missing from my new evening coat.


I found it lying on the gravel.

不过 我对于刚进厨房

But...I was shocked at the talk I heard as I came in.


Mr Crawley is his lordship's cousin and heir.


You will, therefore, please accord him the respect he is entitled to.

因此 必须要给予他尊重和礼待

But you don't like him yourself, m'lady. You never wanted him.

您不是一样不喜欢他 您从未想过

You're sailing perilously close to the wind, O'Brien.

再说下去就别怪我无情了 O'Brien

If we're to be friends, you will not speak in that way again about the Crawleys or any member of Lord Grantham's family.

若我们还要以朋友相待 就不许你再这样言语 不许再诋毁Crawley家族以及伯爵的所有亲戚

Now I'm going up to rest. Wake me at the dressing gong.

我现在上楼休息 晚餐更衣时叫醒我
