
But toxins don’t have to enter the water system to cause disruption. In Utah in 2016, a massive algal bloom on Utah Lake tainted the water that residents in three counties use as untreated “secondary water” for their lawns and gardens. Officials were unable to determine if food grown with the contaminated water was safe to eat. As the algae spread, one secondary system after another opted to exercise an abundance of caution and close its valves. Residents switched to watering their lawns with drinking water, causing citywide shortages.


Algal toxins in drinking water is not a rare event, Mishra says. “They’re always there,” he says. “It’s just that a lot of them go undetected.” The question is whether low-level consumption is harmful. Mishra suspects that if the exposure is long-term, there could be cumulative damage to the liver and brain. Unfortunately, with research focused on trying to understand how, and when, these toxins kill, there are few studies on public health consequences.

米什拉说,饮用水中的藻类毒素并非罕见。“其实藻类毒素一直存在,”他表示。“只是大部分一直未被发现。” 问题是少量进入人体是否有害。米什拉怀疑,如果长期接触,可能会对肝脏和大脑造成累积损伤。不幸的是,由于研究集中在试图了解这些毒素如何以及何时杀死这些毒素上,很少有关于公共卫生后果的研究。

The lack of good treatment options has led the Water Research Foundation to recommend a multistage approach combining several methods of decontamination. That could require treatment plant renovations that run into the millions of dollars. Many states are taking aim at the algal blooms themselves, attempting to starve the cyanobacteria by reducing nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, present in fertilizers and discharge from sewage plants. Kansas has an annual budget of over $5 million dedicated to limiting the amount of fertilizer and wastewater in waterways used as drinking water sources.


But Oregon isn’t taking any chances; cities in the state are already investing in expensive new treatment plants. “This appears to be a new normal for us,” says Modie.

但俄勒冈州不会冒任何风险;该州的城市已经在投资兴建昂贵的新处理厂。“这对我们来说似乎是一种新常态,” 莫迪亚表示。
