澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 美国新冠病毒死亡病例超过中国(在线收听

Riot police will be out in force at Bondi today in an attempt to stamp down on social distancing measures. Authorities are urgently setting up a testing clinic at the beachside suburb, after it was revealed a cluster of backpackers has become infected. The number of coronavirus cases across the country has risen by a further 300 in the past day, including a group of six baggage handlers at Adelaide airport.


Australia's farmers and food exporters are the latest to be given a coronavirus lifeline, with the government set to sponsor cargo flights to key international destinations. The 110 million dollar package will help safeguard fresh food exports, and the planes will return carrying medical supplies. It comes as businesses across the country are racing to s?ign up for the governments Jobkeeper payment of 15-hundred dollars a fortnight.


The coronavirus death toll in the United States has now surpassed China's, with more than 3,400 killed. The US has almost 166-thousand confirmed cases — the highest of all countries in the world. Spain has battled through its deadliest day yet, while another 837 people have died in Italy. And the number of cases in Russia has jumped by 500 — as its infection rates continue to climb.

