《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第11集第15期:有事瞒着我(在线收听

Your dad...He was still conscious.

你爸爸 他还有意识

I was able to get to him,But he wouldn't let me help him until I helped you.

我可以先救起他的 但他坚持让我先救你

Oh my God.When I woke up in the hospital,Nobody could figure out how I got out of the car.

我的天啊 我从医院醒过来之后 没人知道我是怎么从车里逃出来的

They said it was a miracle.I went back for them.But it was too late. I couln't...

他们都说那是神迹 我又回去救他们 但已经来不及了 我没能

I couldn't save them.When I pulled you out,I looked at your face. You looked like Katherine.

我没能救得了他们 我把你拉出来的时候 看到了你的脸 你长得太像凯瑟琳了

I couldn't believe the resemblance.After that, I spent months making sure that you weren't her.

我都不敢相信自己的眼睛 后来 我花了几个月时间 来确定你不是凯瑟琳

I watched you. I learned everything that I could about you.

我观察着你 尽可能地去了解你

And I saw that you were nothing like Katherine.


And I wanted to leave town.But, Elena, I couldn't.

我想要离开 但是 埃琳娜 我做不到

I couldn't leave without knowing you.


I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you. I wanted to.

我很抱歉没早告诉你 我真的很想说

But you were so sad.Why do I look like her?

但你那时太伤心了 为什么我会长得像她

Elena, you've been through so much.

埃琳娜 你遭遇的痛苦已经够多了

Why do I look like her, Stefan?What are you not telling me?

为什么我会长得像她 斯特凡 你有什么事瞒着我
