
Slowing the Superbugs


Although the pharmaceutical industry has all but abandoned antibiotics, researchers haven't given up hope of finding new ones. The antibiotic revolution was kicked off in 1928, when Alexander Fleming returned from vacation to his London lab only to find a weird-looking mold growing in a dish he had left by an open window. Ever since, researchers have tried to peek into every corner of nature for the next great bacteria-killer. According to recent studies, among the new sources of substances that appear lethal to even resistant bacteria—yet may be safe for human consumption—are insects, seaweed, the mucus on young fish, arsenic-rich dirt in Ireland and even Martian soil. One team at Leiden University in the Netherlands is trying to build an artificial bacterium from scratch in hopes it can be tweaked to manufacture a new antibiotic.


Doctors are also trying to make the best use of antibiotics we have now by slowing the development of new resistant strains. That calls for cutting back on rampant overuse of antibiotics, which encourages superbugs to evolve. Doing so has to become an international effort, because the resistant bugs in one part of the world often made their way from elsewhere.


Developing countries are becoming a particularly frequent source for emergent bacterial threats that end up in the U.S., notes UConn's Banach. Studies have found that in most of the world antibiotics are readily dispensed from community pharmacies without prescriptions, contributing to a 65 percent climb in global antibiotic use between 2000 and 2015. The resulting resistant bugs skip frictionlessly around the world in the guts of millions of international travelers. “The impact of antibiotic overuse in these countries, as well as living and environmental conditions, are facilitating the worldwide spread of resistant organisms,” he says.


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Patients have a role to play too. Pressuring doctors to prescribe antibiotics for mild congestion, urinary tract infections or slow-to-heal wounds contributes to antibiotic overuse and the resulting resistance. Massachusetts public health officials have been pushing physicians and the public to ease up on antibiotics for more than a decade, and the state was rewarded with a 16 percent drop in prescriptions over a four-year period. A small victory, perhaps, in a large war that we have so far been mostly losing.


The cost of our failure to act a decade or more ago to this easily foreseeable crisis will most likely be a spreading tide of severe illness and death. It won't rise to the level of deadly mass outbreak the way a killer virus like Ebola could. But resistant infections will begin to affect more and more of us. Even if medicine, government and industry embarked today on a massive effort to find new approaches to combat resistant infections like the Columbia E. coli —which they aren't close to doing—the payoff wouldn't come for a decade or more.

