英国新闻听力 法国前内政部长涉嫌腐败受审(在线收听

A huge oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico is washing a shore in the American state of Louisiana as a massive operation to contain the spill got this place. Strong winds are pushing the oil over boom set up to protect fragile wetlands and three other states are also threatened with environmental disaster. The Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the oil giant BP, which operates the rig responsible for the spillage, had to do more to tackle the crisis.

"We continue to urge BP to leverage additional access to help lead the response in this effort because it's clear that after several unsuccessful attempts to secure the source of the leak, it's time for BP to supplement their current mobilization as the slick of oil moves towards shore."

BP says its response is the biggest ever mounted and it's using every available technology to stop the flow of oil.

The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said she expects indirect talks between Israel and the Palestinians to resume next week. Mrs Clinton said the US special envoy, Senator George Mitchell, would be traveling to the region. Kim Ghattas reports.

The last proximity talks were launched in March. They lasted about 24 hours. Then Israel announced it was building further housing in its Jewish settlement in occupied East Jerusalem, and both the Americans and the Palestinians were incensed. Now Hillary Clinton has announced she expected those indirect talks to resume next week. The State Department spokesperson PJ Crowley also said if Palestinians felt comfortable that conditions were acceptable for talks to begin. But it's unclear what promises the US has made to the Palestinians to guarantee there will be no further unilateral Israeli actions that undermine the process.

The family of a prominent Chinese human rights lawyer who'd gone missing then reappeared say he has disappeared again. Gao Zhisheng, who defended some of China's most vulnerable people, was secretly taken into custody in February last year. He resurfaced last month but was vague about what had happened to him. His family say they haven't been able to contact him since he returned to Beijing from a visit to the western region of Xinjiang ten days ago.

Tens of thousands of opposition supporters in Albania have rallied in the center of the capital Tirana, saying they'll stay there in protest at alleged ballot-rigging by the government in last year's elections. From Tirana, our correspondent Mark Lowen reports.

A sea of protesters waving Socialist party flags have gathered here in Tirana, walking from the central square to the prime minister's office where the party leader will address the faithful. Banners accusing the prime minister of fraud and of damaging the economy lined the routes. The participants are calling for the ballot boxes from last year's elections to be reopened, something the governing Democrats have refused. After months of the Socialists boycotting parliament, Albania is facing serious political deadlock, damaging its hopes of moving forward towards European Union membership.

The Prime Minister of Greece George Papandreou has urged the country to accept economic austerity measures to avoid financial meltdown. The country is in discussions over a multi-billion-dollar rescue package as Malcolm Brabant reports from Athens.

Since this economic crisis began, George Papandreou has been forced to squeeze Greece with two bulks of belt tightening. He's not ready to announce the full details of the third and biggest program of austerity measures, but in parliament he gave a clear warning that the pain he's about to inflict is going to hurt. The trades unions have already been briefed on the new measures which are believed to include more tax rises, job cuts, reduced pensions and a three-year wage freeze for the public sector. It's also likely that the retirement age will rise to 67 from the current general average of 53 years old.

A former French Interior Minister Charles Pasqua has been given a one-year suspended jail sentence for corruption while in office between 1993 and 1995. He was convicted of benefiting from funds embezzled from a state agency that exports police equipment abroad. The 83-year-old senator, who maintained his innocence throughout, said he would appeal.

Officials in Pakistan say a human rights activist and former intelligence officer has been found shot dead in North Waziristan close to the border with Afghanistan. Police say a note attached to the body accused the man Khalid Khawaja of spying for the United States. In recent years, Mr Khawaja had campaigned for the release of dozens of people who'd allegedly been taken into unofficial custody in Pakistan.

Police in Bangladesh say more than 10,000 garment workers have protested in the capital Dhaka to demand higher minimum wages. Police used batons against the demonstrators who threw stones and blocked roads. The protesters say they don't believe the labor minister will honor promises to substantially raise wages within three months. The workers want the minimum wage increased to 72 dollars per month.

美国路易斯安那州正在采取重大行动控制漏油到达该地区,而墨西哥湾大量的漏油已经冲刷着路易斯安那的海岸。大风已经使浮油越过了用来保护湿地的水栅,其他三个州也面临着环境灾难的威胁。国土安全部长珍尼特·纳波利塔诺(Janet Napolitano)说,导致漏油的钻塔所属的BP石油公司必须采取更多措施来处理这场危机。



美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿表示,她预期下周巴勒斯坦和以色列将恢复间接对话。克林顿表示,美国特使,参议员米切尔将赶赴该地区。Kim Ghattas报道。

最后一次近距离会谈在三月份发起,持续了大约24小时。随后,以色列宣布在东耶路撒冷建筑更多犹太人定居点,美国人和巴勒斯坦人均被激怒。现在,希拉里·克林顿宣布,预期下周双方将继续进行间接对话。国务院发言人PJ Crowley也表示,如果巴勒斯坦人感到可以接受,那么会谈可以重新开始。但是,美国作出了什么样的承诺以保证以色列不会采取单方面的行动来破坏和平进程,这一点并不清楚。


阿尔巴尼亚千百万反对派支持者在首都地拉那中部举行集会,称他们在此抗议去年选举中政府操纵投票行为。地拉那,我们的记者Mark Lowen 报道。


希腊总理总理帕潘德里欧(George Papandreou)敦促希腊民众接受经济紧缩措施来避免金融危机。该国正在进行超过数十亿美元的救助计划讨论。Malcolm Brabant在雅典报道。


法国前内政部长查尔·帕斯卡(Charles Pasqua)因1993年至1995年在职期间受贿被判处一年监禁,缓期执行。他被判在盗用用于从国外进口警用设备的资金中获益。现年83岁的参议员仍然享有豁免权,而且他表示自己会上诉。

巴基斯坦官员称,一名人权活动家和前情报官员在于阿富汗接壤的北瓦齐里斯坦被枪杀。警方称,尸体上的一张字条指控Khalid Khawaja为美国担任间谍。近年来,Khawaja一直致力于呼吁释放在巴基斯坦被非正式囚禁的数十人。

