密歇根新闻广播 政治言论助长仇恨,引发了最近三起仇恨犯罪(在线收听

Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow was elected to the United States Senate in 2000. She now serves as the senior senator for Michigan. This November, she is running for reelection against Republican John James.

Stabenow joined Stateside to talk about her reelection campaign and the current political climate in the United States, particularly in light of a recent shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue.

Throughout this election season, we've extended numerous invitations to Senator Stabenow'sRepublican opponent John James to join us for an interview. His campaign has either declined those requests or, as with our most recent attempt, not responded.

Stabenow says that the best way voters can stand up to bigotry is to vote in the midterm elections for officials who represent the values they want the country to uphold, and who stand for a message of unity over division.

The senator says she also wants to see action taken when it comes to gun control.

"When we were kids, we were doing fire drills, and now children are doing active shooter drills, and it's just not okay," Stabenow said.

Stabenow also said she supports an assault weapons ban, and thinks that military weapons should not be in the hands of civilians.

Listen above to hear more about why Stabenow believes that next month's election is the most important one of her lifetime.
