2021年经济学人 一周要闻 拜登宣誓就任美国第46任总统(在线收听

The world this week




Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States. Despite the small crowds, limited in size because of COVID-19, the event marked a sea change in political tone. Mr Biden stressed “unity” in his speech, a stark contrast to Donald Trump’s “America First” theme four years ago. Mr Biden’s first official orders overturned many of his predecessor’s edicts, such as the ban on travel from some Muslim countries, and committed America to rejoin the Paris accord on climate change.


In his final hours as president Donald Trump issued a flurry of pardons. Among those on the list were Steve Bannon, a nationalist former adviser, and Anthony Levandowski, who had been convicted of stealing trade secrets from Google’s self-driving car project. Mitch McConnell, the top Republican in the Senate, shifted his earlier position and said that Mr Trump had “provoked” the mob that stormed Congress recently, leaving five people dead. Mr Trump still faces an impeachment trial in the Senate. If convicted, he may be barred from running for president again.

在特朗普总统任期的最后几个小时里,他发布了一连串赦免令。名单上有民族主义者、前顾问史蒂夫·班农(Steve Bannon),以及因窃取谷歌自动驾驶汽车项目的商业机密而被判有罪的安东尼·莱万多夫斯基(Anthony Levandowski)。参议院共和党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)一改此前的立场,称特朗普“煽动”了最近冲入国会、导致5人死亡的暴徒。特朗普仍面临参议院的弹劾审判。如果罪名成立,他可能会被禁止再次竞选总统。

The National Rifle Association, America’s powerful pro-gun group, declared bankruptcy and said it would move its non-profit base from New York to Texas. At an initial bankruptcy-court hearing, New York state’s attorney-general said the nra was trying to derail a fraud investigation.


Alexei Navalny, Russia’s most prominent opposition leader, returned to Moscow after spending five months in Germany recovering from an attempt on his life using Novichok, a nerve agent. He was immediately arrested and jailed. His team released a video showing viewers around a vast secret palace that he says President Vladimir Putin acquired with the “world’s largest bribe”. Mr Navalny called for countrywide protests on January 23rd.


Armin Laschet, the premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous German state, was chosen by a party congress to become the new leader of Germany’s Christian Democrats. This puts him in pole position to succeed Angela Merkel as chancellor later this year, though there are many obstacles ahead.

德国人口最多的州北莱茵-威斯特法伦州的州长阿明·拉切特被党代会选为德国基督教民主党的新领导人。这使他在今年晚些时候接替安格拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)担任德国总理时处于有利地位,尽管这条路依然障碍重重。

Italy’s government was cast into confusion after the prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, narrowly won a key vote that demonstrated he no longer has a majority in the Senate. He will hope to avoid an election, and will try to carry on leading a minority government.

意大利总理朱塞佩·孔特(Giuseppe Conte)以微弱优势赢得关键投票,表明他在参议院不再拥有多数席位,这使意大利政府陷入混乱。他希望可以避免选举,并将努力继续领导一个少数派政府。

The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, announced that parliamentary and presidential elections would be held in May and July. It has been 15 years since the Palestinians voted in a national election. Some see the move as an effort by Mr Abbas to lift his standing with the Biden administration.

