密歇根新闻广播 师生关系逐渐疏远(在线收听

In the past decade, American education has gone through some major changes. Parents are sometimes shocked by how different schools look from when they were there, and that can lead to friction between parents and teachers.

Stateside's education commentator Matinga Ragatz joins us to discuss how to bridge the gap in understanding between parents and teachers.

If I could give a couple of pointers to parent, they should ask whenever they are feeling lost. Just take your teacher out for coffee. Teachers love to talk about their methodology. And ask the teacher and don't go over the teacher's head but ask the teacher What does this mean rather than trying to figure it out yourself, said Ragatz.

Listen above to hear how the teaching profession has changed, what practices Michigan teachers are implementing to keep parents involved, and what parents can do to create better relationships with their children's teachers.
