澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 世卫组织警告称疫情仍在加速蔓延 远未结束(在线收听

Health authorities are weighing up whether to lockdown entire Melbourne suburbs as Victoria's chief health officer warns the current spike in coronavirus cases will "get worse before it gets better." Victoria recorded 75 new cases yesterday — a daily level of new infections not seen since March. Medical experts say a move to lockdown the ten suburbs identified as transmission hotspots is a "credible option" in combating the spread of the disease. Last night almost seventy extra defence personal touched down to help with the massive testing regime underway across Melbourne hotspots.


Meanwhile, the World Health Organisation has issued a dire warning this morning — saying the COVID-19 pandemic is not even close to being over. Two bleak milestones were reached this week — with more than ten million confirmed cases globally, and more than five hundred thousand official deaths. Cases continue to climb rapidly in India, which reported a daily record of nearly 20-thousand new infections. The United States has the most confirmed cases — at more than two-and-a-half million.


"The pandemic is actually speeding up."


Australia will bolster its cyber security by recruiting up to 500 spies to combat attacks on the nation's computer networks. One-point-three-five billion dollars in existing defence funding will be spent on the country's cyber intelligence agencies over the next decade.

