《你好布拉德》精讲25 布拉德批评儿子(在线收听

Dad, what the fuck? You think arguing with the admissions officer is gonna help my chances?

爸 你跟招生办的吵一架能把我吵进去吗

He won't remember this.


I think he will.


I don't understand.


How can someone who has the brains to get into Harvard


not have the brain to remember what day he made an appointment so he can get into Harvard?


I'm sorry. Can we please talk and, like, walk somewhere else, please, 'cause they're about to start a tour.

话说 你能找个其他地方说话吗 他们马上要出来游行了

So what? So, I don't want everybody seeing me getting bitchedout by my dad, okay?

有关系吗 我不想给人看到我让我老爹骂成这样

I'm not bitching you out.


I'm trying to solve a problem here.


I know you think you got this in the bag, but this is Harvard, Troy.

我知道你有自己的盘算 问题这是哈佛啊 老铁

Even geniuses get rejected.


Oh, my God.

You realize you're competing with kids from Hong Kong and everywhere, okay?

你知不知道你在和来自香港 来自全球各地的人在竞争

You're a white kid from the suburbs


without a sob story, and you're not even a legacy.

没什么励志故事 也没有校友后台

We're the underdogs here. We need to do everything we can.

我们在这低人一头 当然要尽全力去争取

Dad, I'm about to flip the fuck out. Please shut up.

爹 我要疯了 你能别说了吗

Okay, let me think. Just...

得 你让我想想

Okay, why don't you go on the tour, and I'm...

这样 你先接着你的行程来

I'm gonna, um... What are you gonna do?

我呢 先去 你想去干啥

I'm gonna make some calls.


Just don't do anything uncool.

