
Bill Gates begins new career 盖茨投身慈善事业

Bill Gates begins a new full-time career in philanthropy. Ali Velshi spoke with him.

American Morning, the most news in the morning, period. Weekdays 6 Eastern.

An interesting article that you’ve written for TIME and you start/ed/ off for the reference to Bono about how when you sort of first encountered him you thought maybe he is a little nuts. And yet now he is an example which you're calling creative capitalism. Tell us a bit about that story.

Well, Bono came up the idea of this red project where you’d have products we branded, cool products and knowing that those products are contributing to buying life saving medicine.

And I / think it's part of the overall idea that companies view their mission as helping not just their richest customers but also being agents of change to help / those most in need. And that the umbrella for that is what I am calling a creative capitalism. It’s about saying stretch for the poorest. Go out of your way do way more than you might think about the ways for those. And it will reward you in the long run in terms of broader markets and hiring the best people and a great reputation.

Let’s talk a little about a crisis that we're all facing right now. And you’ve mentioned a lot of them. But one of them that seem to be facing people immediately is this energy crisis. How could you see creative capitalism being applied to this energy crisis that we're in?

Well, whenever you have a strong price signal, / you’re gonna draw in, a lot of innovation and I see today in the scientific community, a lot of very bright people not only doing research but also being involved in startup companies. And there's a lot of wild ideas that will lead to energy that’s lower cost, securer and environmentally friendly. Many of them will be dead ends, but here you have the normal profit motive, and the desire to help out the people who are suffering the most from these high energy costs /are/ coming together.

Now that Americans are facing the possibility of 5 dollars a gallon for gasoline, a very expensive hitting law. Our corn prices are up all of sudden. It sounds like a crisis that has just popped up in the last year.

When energy prices are high, what that means for us is maybe taking a shorter trip. What it means in these countries is buying less fertilizer and having less food. We are literally on the edge of starvation.

You've basically just started this new job full-time. You’ve been working on the foundation for a long time. But You’ve made this your full-time job now. What does that mean for you, how is life different for you?

Well, it's been less than a month/s/ since I switched to being full-time for foundation. I’m thrilled at the interesting and important problems that we’re working on. I'm very optimistic that we will come up with the breakthrough, so you know, I love this job just like I love my previous full-time work and, you know, I think I’m adapting even faster than I expected.
