
U.S. economic impact on China 美国经济对中国的影响

As China prepares to release GDP and inflation data, investors worry about negative spillover from the U.S. markets

Investors around the world have been on a wild ride, stemming from the concerns about the world's top economy, the United States. While the global equity markets have taken a tumble, what's the economic impact at all. Here in Asia, investors might get some insight first thing Thursday morning, When one of the fastest growing economies in the world, China, releases its closely-watched GDP data along with inflation figures.

We're looking at the number of 10.1% for second quarter of GDP. So it is a slowdown, but you know, 10% is still a kind of double-digit growth.

The news from China will come on the hills of a second day of testimony from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who's noted that the US economy continues to face "numerous difficulties".

The possibility of high energy crisis, tighter credit conditions and a still deeper contraction in the housing markets, all represent significant downside risks to the outlook for growth.

As the US consumer spending continues to slow in the rest of the year, and the growth in export from China and rest of Asia will come into slow as well.

This is the Dow sits near its lowest level in nearly two years. The US dollar's taken a dropping, falling to new lows against the Euro. And investors are trying to get a handle on the troubles facing housing finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Even oil which had been heading in only one direction up 80% since July of last year, has seen its biggest one-day plunge this week in 17 years. But in the end.

We think that it's too early for China now to worry about slowdown. The inflation is still the major risk.

So maybe a bit of slowdown for China isn't such a bad thing, after all.

Alex Zober, CNN, Hong Kong.





当联邦储蓄主席Ben Bernanke暗示美国经济将继续面临一系列问题。来自中国的新闻受到Ben Bernanke的证实。



道琼斯指数下跌到两年来的最低水平。美元贬值,相对欧元下跌到了新低。投资者试图找到解决房产巨头Fannie Mae和Freddie Mac面临的问题的方法。石油价格去年6月以来上升了80%,本周一天之内降幅却达到17年来最大。但是最终结果还不知晓。


