NBC晚间新闻 英国驻美大使言论遭泄露(在线收听

Tonight the US and Britain in an uproar over a diplomatic bombshell. Secret cables leaked to a British tabloid. In a brutal critique of Mr. Trump going back two years, Kym Desroches, the British ambassador to the U.S., telling Downing Street the president radiates insecurity, calling his administration inept and uniquely dysfunctional. The president tweeting today, I do not know the Ambassador but he is not liked or well thought of within the U.S. We will no longer deal with him. The good news for the wonderful United Kingdom is that they will soon have a new prime minister. The frontrunner to become prime minister, the president's favorite Boris Johnson.

Contrary to the president's tweet, the Ambassador is highly regarded and frequently hosts Trump officials. Earlier the British government tried to smooth over the rift. I don't share the ambassador's assessment of either the US administration or relations with the US administration. But I do defend his right to make that frank assessment. The British government is investigating the leak. Looking both inside and at a possible cyberattack even from Russia or Iran. This is the US and Britain face a new threat from Iran, breaching a critical limit on nuclear fuels set by the Iran nuclear deal, moving a step closer to possibly a nuclear weapon. President Trump abandoned the deal last year and is now threatening more sanctions.

