NBC晚间新闻 神秘手镯背后的感人故事(在线收听

For years Neil Ward carpenter was haunted by a faded piece of metal with a mysterious name. Every day, every day for 31 years. A POW/MIA Bracelet something his father bought on a whim. It came in handy when Neil was born and his parents needed a name. My dad was wearing the bracelet at the time and sort of suggested it and they agreed and hence I'm the Ward carpenter. Itched into the bracelet lieutenant Neil Ward. Vietnam War Pilot posthumously promoted to major, shot down and missing in action. But Neil wanted to know more. He even found his name on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial during a great school trip to Washington.

It's incredibly eerie to see your name even a part of your name. But his knowledge ended there until a Google search led him here. And last month word that a skull fragment found in Laos in 2017 had been identified it was major Ward. A memorial 50 years overdue and Neil was there. And this elderly lady walks up to me and says are you Neil and it was his sister Cassie. I was so touched and honored to name their son after him. I thought that was awesome. And for Neil a new meaning to Veterans Day. I appreciate so much not only the service that the members of the Armed Services have done and the sacrifice they've given, but also that their families and what they've had to go through.

多年来,尼尔·沃德·卡彭特一直被一块有一个神秘名字的褪色金属所困扰。31年来每天都是。它就是他父亲一时兴起买的一个战俘手镯。当尼尔出生时,他的父母需要一个名字的时候,这个名字就派上了用场。我爸爸当时戴着那个手镯,他建议我使用这个名字,他们同意了,所以我的名字就是沃德·卡彭特。手镯上刻着中尉尼尔·沃德字样。他是越战飞行员,被击落后失踪,牺牲后升为少校。但是尼尔想知道更多。在一次去华盛顿的学校旅行中,他甚至在越战纪念碑上找到了自己的名字。 看到自己的名字令我感到非常奇怪,即使只是一部分。他只知道这么多,直到一次谷歌搜索后他来到这里。上个月有消息称,2017年在老挝发现的一块头骨碎片已经被确认属于少校沃德。一个迟到了50年的纪念物,尼尔就在那里。这位年长的女士走向我说道,你是尼尔吗?她是沃德的姐姐凯西。我很感动也很荣幸他们会以弟弟的名字给他们的儿子命名。我觉得这太棒了。对尼尔来说,退伍军人节又有了新的意义。我感到非常感激,不仅是对于军队服役人员的奉献和他们的牺牲,而且也是对于他们的家人和他们经受的困难。
