澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚新冠肺炎疫情加重 新生儿中招(在线收听

A coronavirus outbreak has hit Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital, with a newborn among the latest to test positive for COVID-19. The baby was being treated in the neonatal intensive care ward, where a health worker and two parents have also been infected. Authorities will now test everyone who spent more than two hours in the ward since July 12.


Authorities are appealing to residents or visitors to Potts Point in Sydney's east to be alert for COVID 19 symptoms after a second restaurant was closed because of coronavirus. Two cases of COVID-19 have been linked to the Apollo restaurant, including a staff member.


Police in Sydney will be out in force today, in a bid to stop an unauthorised Black Lives Matter protest. New South Wales police yesterday won a supreme court battle to prohibit the rally, arguing it would breach public health orders. Protest organisers say the event will still go ahead.


Evacuation orders have been put in place at Sussex Inlet on the New South Wales south coast, as a low pressure system brings strong winds, rain and large waves to the area.


Aged care workers, on the frontline of the battle against coronavirus, have been awarded two weeks pandemic leave. The Fair Work Commission intially rejected calls for the leave, but now says it's important workers in the industry aren't hit financially if they have to isolate at home.

