时差N小时 谈论瑜伽 Talking about yoga(在线收听

Mike: What're you doing up so early, Amanda? Have you decided to take up jogging in the park like me?

Amanda: No, Mike. You know I really can't stand jogging. I've joined a yoga class at our local fitness center. I hear it's a great way to stay fit. Want to join me?

Mike: No way! Yoga is for girls. I'd rather do some weights or cardio at the gym than contort my body into painful postures.

Amanda: Come on, there's more to yoga than that! It's perfect for physical and spiritual well-being. It also helps your body become more flexible.

Mike: No, thanks-I think all of this is just a moneymaking gimmick. I'm telling you Amanda, don't buy into it!

Amanda: Mike, we just learn three new postures every day and do some meditation. My yoga guru is going to teach us about breathing today. Did you know that we don't even breathe properly anymore?

Mike: Count me out! I don't need anyone to tell me how to breathe! Just because celebrities are doing yoga, everyone's jumping on the bandwagon.

Amanda: That's not true! You're always reluctant to try something new. Give it a chance-you might enjoy it.

Mike: Okay, but only if you promise I'll end up with a body like Matthew McConaughey!

Mike: 你为什么起这么早,Amanda?你决定和想我一样一起去公园慢跑吗?

Amanda: 不是的,Mike.你知道我无法忍受慢跑。我已经加入当地健身中心的瑜伽班。我听说瑜伽是保持身材的好方法。一起来吗?

Mike: 决不。只有女孩才参加瑜伽。我宁愿在健身房里举重或出出汗,也不愿意将身体摆成痛苦的姿势。

Amanda: 得了,瑜伽不只是那些,它对身体和心灵健康都有好处,而且能让你的身体更加柔软。

Mike: 不,谢了,我认为那是骗钱的伎俩。我告诉你,Amanda,千万别上当。

Amanda: Mike,我们每天学3种新姿势,而且做冥想。我的瑜伽大师今天要教我们呼吸。你知道我们甚至不能正确呼吸吗?

Mike: 饶了我吧。我不需要别人告诉我怎么呼吸。因为名人们在做瑜伽,大家都来凑热闹。

Amanda: 不是这样的。你总不愿意尝试新事物。来试试吧,你也许会喜欢。

Mike: 好吧。只要你答应我练完瑜伽,会像“马修?麦康纳”那样。
