澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚多家银行涉嫌洗钱 索罗门发生爆炸致2人死亡(在线收听

A drop in new case numbers has raised hopes Victoria may exit its tough coronavirus lockdown earlier than planned. The southern state yesterday recorded only 14 new cases of COVID-19, although that was tampered with the news there had been five more deaths. Premier Daniel Andrews said he wouldn't rule out easing restrictions early, but he cautioned against complacency.

Authorities in New South Wales are frantically trying to track down people who may have come into contact with a Sydney taxi driver, who worked while potentially infected with COVID-19. Authorities say the man, who was working mostly in the city's south-western suburbs, may have been infectious for up to ten days while driving passengers.

A massive leak of US treasury documents has linked Australian banks to billions of dollars in suspected money-laundering. The big four and several other Australian banks are mentioned hundreds of times in the documents, dubbed the "FinCen Files". Shared by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, the documents have been seen by the ABC, and detail money flows worth 2-trillion dollars, suspected of being the proceeds of crime or corruption. The documents are not evidence of criminality, but are reports of suspicious transactions raised with the US treasury.

And an Australian citizen and his British colleague have been killed in a bomb blast in the Solomon Islands. The pair were working for a Norwegian project tracking down World War Two munitions in the Pacific island nation. They were killed in the capital Honiara, when a bomb exploded in a residential building.




