新闻周刊:美国疫情寒冬,新冠成主要死因(2)(在线收听) |
Previous data shows COVID-19 was the leading cause of death in dozens of states before November, including many where the pattern held last month. In Iowa, Kansas, Montana and Nebraska, the CDC found virus infections led to more deaths than other causes every week since the beginning of October. In North Dakota, COVID-19 became the leading cause of death in late September. It became the leading cause of death one week earlier in South Dakota, and two weeks earlier in Missouri. 此前的数据显示,11月之前,新冠肺炎是美国数十个州的主要死因,其中有多个州一直维持这个情况直到上个月。CDC发现,自10月初以来,在爱荷华州、堪萨斯州、蒙大拿州和内布拉斯加州,每周由病毒感染导致的死亡人数都超过其他因素相关的死亡人数。在北达科他州,新冠肺炎在9月底成为主要死因。一周前,新冠肺炎在南达科他州成为主要死因,两周前在密苏里州成为主要死因。 COVID-19 was the leading cause of death in almost every U.S. state at some time this year. Just 12 states did not see virus-related fatalities rise above those caused by other diseases. 在今年的某个时候,新冠肺炎几乎成为美国所有州的主要死因。只有12个州幸免于难,其与病毒有关的死亡人数低于其他疾病造成的死亡人数。 Although data showed the number of deaths linked to COVID-19 in Texas fell slightly below those caused by cancer during the third week of November, it was the state's leading cause of death for more than four months prior to that. It was Pennsylvania's leading cause of death throughout most of April and May, and Nevada's throughout July, August and part of September. 尽管数据显示,在11月的第三周,德克萨斯州与新冠肺炎相关的死亡人数略低于癌症造成的死亡人数,但在此之前的4个多月里,新冠肺炎一直是德州的主要死因。它是宾夕法尼亚州4月和5月的主要死因,7月、8月和9月的部分时间是内华达州主要死因。 The CDC did not include a full breakdown of deaths recorded in Rhode Island, and their respective causes, for the week leading up to November 21. Additional data showed that Rhode Island's COVID-19 fatalities surpassed those related to all other causes in April, May and June. The respiratory illness again became the state's leading cause of death in mid-October. 疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)的数据并不涵盖截至11月21日前一周罗德岛州死亡人数的详细统计及各自死因。其他数据显示,罗得岛的新冠死亡人数在4月、5月和6月超过了与所有其他原因相关的死亡人数。这一呼吸系统疾病在10月中旬再次成为该州的主要死因。 Nationally, the CDC's data shows COVID-19 became the leading cause of death in the U.S. during the final week of October, and remained so through three-fourths of the next month, when the health agency's statistics were last updated. Additional figures published by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation indicated that COVID-19 continued to surpass all other illnesses as the country's leading cause of death during the first week of December. 从全国范围来看,疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)的数据显示,在10月的最后一周,新冠肺炎成为美国的主要死因,并在11个月的前四分之三的时间里(卫生机构的统计数据最后一次更新时)一直保持着领先。卫生计量和评估研究所公布的其他数据表明,在12月的第一周,新冠肺炎继续超过所有其他疾病成为美国的主要死因。 More than 15.3 million people have contracted COVID-19 in the U.S. over the past nine months. About 6 million, or roughly 40 percent, tested positive after Halloween. More than 50,000 people have died from virus infections since then, bringing the nation's overall fatality toll to at least 288,185 on Wednesday, according to Johns Hopkins University. 在过去的9个月中,美国有超过1530万人感染了新冠肺炎。大约有600万,约40%在万圣节后检测呈阳性。据约翰霍普金斯大学统计,自万圣节以来,已有5万多人死于病毒感染,周三全国总死亡人数至少达到28.8185万人。 |
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