《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第16集第5期:每天提心吊胆(在线收听

I no longer have any desire to see Katherine ever again.


And there's no way in hell I'm gonna play the role of your little minion

而且 让我做你的跟班 门都没有

I'm not asking for your help, Damon.

达蒙 我不是在请求你的帮助

Finding Katherine was just a mere gesture of kindness.


The rest is non-negotiable.I have 400 years on you, little boy.

其余没有商量余地 小子 我比你多活了四百年

I'll rip you from limb to limb without even blinking and you know it.

让你粉身碎骨 简直就是易如反掌

I'll be in touch.You got me flowers.

我会再联络你的 你给我买花了

Well, I figured it's a date,why not do it right?

我想既然是个约会 何不做得有模有样

I would have driven, too,But you're the one with the car.

我本想开车来接你的 但只有你有车 我可没有

You know, you'd think that for someone who was around when the car was invented,that you'd have one.

我说 细细推算 早在汽车刚发明的时代你就在世了 该有一辆才对

Oh, I have one.I just never drive it.

有倒是有一辆 只是我从来没开过

You know, it's not too late to cancel.Why would we do that?

现在取消约会还不晚 为什么要取消

I don't know. It just seems surreal.

我说不清 感觉不太现实

Like maybe we weren't meant to get to the normal part.


That's exactly why we're going to do it.


We're going to go out,have some fun,And try to remember that we don't have to be so serious.

我们要出去 找点乐子 告诉自己 不必每天提心吊胆

Listen, when I decided to stay here and to get to know you,It was so that I could do things like this.

听我说 当我决定留下来认识你时 就希望能像现在这样

I could bring my girlfriend flowers,take her out on a date,try to be normal.

给女朋友买花 带她出去约会 试着过普通人的生活
