美联社新闻一分钟 AP 特朗普律师称弹劾审判违宪(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


The drive to vaccinate Americans against the coronavirus is gaining speed and newly recorded cases have fallen to their lowest level in three months. More than 4 million more vaccinations were reported over the weekend, a significantly faster clip than in previous days, according to the CDC. But health authorities worry Americans could pay the price for what they did on Super Bowl Sunday.


Lawyers for Donald Trump are blasting the impeachment case against him as an act of "political theater" by Democrats. They said it was unconstitutional and must be dismissed. Trump's historic second impeachmenl trialis set to start Tuesday.


Myanmar's military government has imposed a curfew and bans on gatherings of more than five peoplein the country's two biggest cities as protests against its coup show no sign of abating.


As Austria eases its coronavirus restrictions followed the third lockdown, the worlds oldest zoo reopens to a limited number of visitors. Long lines formed at The Vienna Zoo -with many expressing delight at being allowed back.

