2021年经济学人 一周要闻 拜登:5月底前有充足疫苗供应全美成人(在线收听

Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, withdrew his Fidesz party from the European People’s Party, the centre-right and largest grouping in the European Parliament. This came as the EPP agreed to rules that would make it much easier to expel a delegation from a country, like Hungary, that violates the rule of law.

匈牙利总理欧尔班(Viktor Orban)决定让其领导的青民盟(Fidesz party)退出欧洲人民党(European People’s party),该党是欧洲议会中右翼的最大党团。与此同时,欧洲人民党同意了一些规则,这些规则将使驱逐某个违反法律规则的国家代表团变得更加容易,比如匈牙利。

Scotland’s first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, faced tough questions from a parliamentary committee at Holyrood about her mishandling of allegations of sexual harassment levelled at Alex Salmond, her predecessor. A jury found Mr Salmond not guilty of all charges a year ago.

苏格兰首席大臣尼古拉·斯特金(Nicola Sturgeon)面临着来自苏格兰议会一个委员会的尖锐提问,该委员会指责她对前任亚历克斯·萨尔蒙德(Alex Salmond)性骚扰指控处理不当。一年前,陪审团裁定萨尔蒙德无罪。

Britain’s Supreme Court ruled that Shamima Begum could not return to the country to challenge the government’s decision to strip her of her citizenship. At the age of 15 Ms Begum left Britain to join Islamic State in Syria and is stuck in a camp there. The court decided that her right to a fair hearing did not override public-safety concerns.

英国最高法院裁定,沙米玛·贝居姆(Shamima Begum)不能返回英国针对政府剥夺其公民身份的决定进行上诉。贝居姆15岁时离开英国,加入了叙利亚的伊斯兰国组织,目前被困在当地的一处营地里。法院决定,她获得公平听证的权利不能凌驾于公众安全担忧之上。

The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor opened an investigation into alleged war crimes in the Palestinian territories since June 2014. After a preliminary examination she said charges could be filed against both Israelis and Palestinians.


Israel's prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, said Iran was behind an explosion that damaged an Israeli-owned commercial vessel in the Gulf of Oman. Days later one of his ministers linked Iran to an oil spill off Israel’s coast that has caused grave environmental damage.


Amnesty International accused government forces in Mozambique, mercenaries working with them and the jihadists they are battling of committing war crimes. A report by the human-rights group said the warring parties have indiscriminately killed hundreds of civilians.


Coronavirus briefs


Joe Biden promised that there would be enough COVID-19 vaccine for every adult in America by the end of May. This came after the White House negotiated a deal by which Merck will help produce the one-shot dose developed by Johnson & Johnson.


Facing criticism about the slow speed of its vaccination drive, the French government said people aged 65 to 74 would now be able to get the AstraZeneca shot. People over 75 still must have either the Pfizer or Moderna jab.


Colombia became the first country in Latin America to receive vaccines through the covax distribution programme, backed by the World Health Organisation.


The governor of Texas ordered the lifting of most restrictions relating to COVID-19, saying his state was open for business “100%”. Health officials warned that this was too soon.

