NBC晚间新闻 50岁新冠患者进ICU后康复(在线收听

This Easter Sunday at California hospital, resonating with waves of applause for 50 year-old Ramon Zuniga who fought the coronavirus and won after spending 19 days on a ventilator. I seem to exist but I really wasn't sure if I existed. I didn't know if I had passed on or not. For over a month ICU Dr. Alex Hakeem documented Ramon's journey and in a way his own.

I don't know if I have the right words right now to express just how I feel. I'll remember it for the rest of my life. And as for Ramon he's grateful for the gift of life. I managed to beat this but all the credit goes to them, all the nurses, all the doctors. And you gave them hope. Hope, that's what doctors and nurses who saved Ramon will carry with them as they head back to the frontlines.

