NBC晚间新闻 训练犬有望帮助探测新冠病毒(在线收听

We all know the amazing power of a dog's nose, trained to detect bombs at airports, sent to search for survivors after earthquakes. And now the fight against Coronavirus could get some four-legged help too. From dogs like storm and Asha. They're part of a British charity medical detection dogs. Now if they can do this reliably, a real game-changer. The hope is that covid-19 creates a certain smell that specially trained dogs can detect on people. Like they already do with malaria and some cancers.

They have 350 sensory receptors in their nose, a full human's got 5 millions. They've been training dogs like storm here to detect disease for more than a decade. and if covid-19 has a signature scent, there's a good chance she'll end up in an airport helping find those who are infected. And the key here is that we can screen a lot of people very quickly and it's non-invasive. They hope to know if the disease can be sniffed out by July, allowing these dogs to become the new furry detectives on the frontlines.

