NBC晚间新闻 病毒阻隔不了真爱(在线收听

For 114 days, you see i am touching you. This was as close as Mary Daniel and her husband Steve could get. I’m going to come give you a hug real soon. Steve is in a nursing home with early onset alzheimer’s. Visitors not allowed, except through a window. There is no way to explain to him why this is happening and how long is this going to happen. And, so, he cried. mary felt like she was breaking her vow to be by his side. I promised him i would be there, and i wasn’t.

Then she learned the nursing home needed a dishwasher. Dishwasher it is. whatever you have available, i’ll take. What was that moment like when you got to see him in person? I knocked on the door. I mean obviously he’s not expecting me. And Mary was the first thing he said and came over and gave me-- we had a really great hug. We both started crying. she continues to get tested for covid and has to work hard, but she shows up with a smile and a message for her husband. He is deeply loved and that he will never be alone. And that’s the best gift that i can give him for the rest of his life. A lesson in true love.

