NBC晚间新闻 英国百岁老兵获封爵士(在线收听

Captain Thomas Moore had to walk a long way, 100 laps to be exact, to finally meet the Queen. And today this national hero and world war II veteran became a knight in a private socially distant ceremony at Windsor Castle. The Queen could be heard congratulating the captain, even commenting on his age. The Queen herself 94 years old seemed to have left captain Moore starstruck. I never ever did i imagine that i should get so close to the Queen and have such a kind message from her.

That was really outstanding. It all started with a modest goal, raise a thousand pounds to help britain's health system fight coronavirus by doing a hundred laps around his back garden before his hundredth birthday in april. Captain Moore raising a staggering 40 million dollars to fight a disease that's already taken more than 45 thousand lives in the UK. But from now on Captain Tom will be Sir Tom. No one could ever believe that in that time this will come to me.

