NBC晚间新闻 新冠疫情将造成更大饥荒(在线收听

While the global COVID death toll tonight tops 650 000, what's coming could be far worse. The World Food Program and three other U.N agencies predict mass starvation because of COVID's disastrous economic impact. The UN agencies say the 140 million people around the world on the brink of starvation now could rise to a staggering 270 million. This year if we don't get a social safety net program out there immediately in providing food, you will see mass starvation famines of biblical proportions. David Beasley the director of the World Food Program says children are the hardest hit, with 10 000 more dying every month.

In many countries no school means no food, leaving kids with weakened immune systems, which means they can be vulnerable not just to COVID, malaria, diphtheria, cholera. And the crisis will spread beyond the developing world the UN warns as hungry people move to survive. Do you think covid will lead to a new wave of mass migration coming toward the united states? There's no question in my mind. You will see migration heading toward the U.S border. The World Food Program is urgently calling for 4.9 billion dollars to stop COVID related hunger and famine.

