
"You can do this, all right? Just, just scootch down a few inches, and I’ll grab you."

嗯,你能做到, 对吧?只要-- 往下挪几英寸--我就会-- 我就会抓牢你

"No, you’ll drop me!"

不, 你会让我掉下去的

"I'm not gonna drop you. I might strangle you for climbing up here in the first place. But drop you, no. Come on!"

我不会让你掉下去,我也许会掐死你,因为你爬到这个地方。但让你掉下去? 不会, 来吧!

"Okay. Just wait."

嗨, 等一下, 好吗?

"Look who I found wandering around the airport!"


"Hey, Rodney!"

嗨, Rodney!

"Is Parker back up on the roof?"




"See if he can find that frisbee while he’s up there."


"Yeah, I’m gonna get right on that."

好, 我会处理的。

"Oh! How’s my favorite girl?"

哦, 我的宝贝女儿好吗?

"I’m so happy to see you. It’s such a shame that Alison couldn’t make it."


"Oh, just another business trip for the wandering salesman. She’d be bored to tears."


"Hey, Parker! Come on, aren’t you going to give me a hug?"

嗨, Parker! 来啊, 你不来拥抱我一下吗?

"It’s grandpa!"


"Don’t take it personally. He’s scared to climb down."

他不是不理你, 只是不敢爬下来

"Oh, can I give it a shot?"

哦, 我能劝他一下吗?

"Uh, yeah, sure, knock yourself out! Be careful."

当然可以, 尽力吧,好的,当心点!

"Parker. I’ve got a question for you. It’s only one, but it’s kinda an important question.

Parker, 我有个问题想问你,只有一个, 但很重要,

A character defining question, actually. Wanna hear it?"


"Only a little girl would be afraid to come down the ladder. Now, you’re not a little girl, are you?"

只有小姑娘才会害怕从梯子上下来。你不是小姑娘, 对吧?

"I’m not looking at a little girly girl, am I?"

我眼前的不是一个娇气小姑娘, 是吧?

"Are you okay?"


"Wow, you got him down!" (to Lynette) "How’d he do that?"

喔, 你把他弄下来了, 怎么办到的?


