
So, get this. Zach Young is throwing a pool party Saturday night and he sent out a bunch of formal invitations complete with fancy lettering.

我听人说ZACH YOUNG将在周六开一个泳池派对,他送出了一大堆正式的邀请函,上面都是漂亮的字体。

I'm surprised he didn't spritzthem with after shave.


What is wrong with nice invitations?


Mom, it's a pool party.

妈妈, 那是一个泳池派对

Why couldn't he've just pass out fliers in the quad?


Because he's genetically incapable of being cool?


So, uh, you going?

那么, 嗯, 你去吗?

Maybe. I mean, um, Lisa and Justin and some of the guys thought it'd be fun to swim. We can always bail if it's aslame as we think it's gonna be.

嗯, 也许吧,我是说, LISA和JUSTIN一些家伙觉得能游泳会很有趣。我们随时可以开溜,如果那个派对的确像我们想象的那么无趣的话。

Is Lisa your friend with the pierced navel?

嗯, LISA是你的那个在肚脐上穿洞的朋友吗?



You've been spending a lot of time together lately, haven't you?


I guess.


Oh, uh, Andrew, I'm gonna want you home by eleven on Saturday.

哦, 嗯, ANDREW,我希望你周六晚11点前回家。

Eleven? Mom, it's not even a school night.

11点? 妈妈, 那连校园活动都算不上。

Bree, a curfew isn't gonna do any good.

BREE, 宵禁不会有什么效果的。

You may be able to abdicate all your parental responsibility but I cannot.


What, what's going on here? Would thishave to do with the condom you left in my room?

这-- 到底是怎么回事? 是不是和你留在我房间里的避孕套有关?

As a matter of fact it does, and just so we're clear, if you get Lisa pregnant, you will marry her.

事实上, 是的,们把话说清楚吧, 如果你让LISA怀孕了,就要娶她。

Andrew, this is not funny.

ANDREW, 这并不好笑

Mom, trust me. This is very funny, mostly because the condom wasn't mine.

妈妈, 相信我-- 这非常好笑,主要是因为那个避孕套不是我的。

You suck, you know that?

你是个混球, 知道么?
