
Halloween Makeup For Adults

Dressing up for Halloween does not have to be just for kids. MAC Cosmetic Makeup Artist Keri Blair gives Harry Smith some tips on how to spice up your Halloween look

Halloween isn’t just for kids as we all know. Adults can paly out there fantasies as well. Here to show us some unique adult looks for Halloween. Mac Cosmetic Makeup artist, Keri Blair

Good morning, how are you.

Good morning. I’m so happy to be here

Nice to see you.

Nice to see you

Are you site for Halloween?

I am pretty site. I work in the makeup industry, so it’s sort of our time to be here, right?


Our // and our big celebration of Halloween

And it has exploded as a holiday for adult as well right

It has. I think, you know, it’s funny about your fantasy a little bit and play around and sort of do those things you don’t get to do every day


…in the office

All right

Well, we have several different looks. We are gonna sort of focus in on today. What is this first one?

The first one is the Amphibian. And right here we have Erin and // did her makeup today and she has a sort of a water theme going on and a lot of glitter, a little bit of blue and some lashes and it’s just really about blending a little bit of powder and some loose pigments together to really create this sort of a furious look..

Now what is all this stuff.

This is makeup. It’s just regular makeup…

Oh really

…you use on yourself normally but we use it in a more exaggerate kind of way

Ok. I think it’s something out of the chemistry set

Well, we like to pretend we are chemists sometimes



So this took a little while to do right

Yeah it took her two hours to be honest. But the great thing is that you can try this in home or you can actually come to… now you can see her before where she looked like. You wouldn’t even recognize her


Her husband won’t recognize her actually

Yeah, so now, how would you compliment this… you have an amazing face. What would you do with the rest if you would be in //, what would you do for a costume

Well I think she could do anything in blue. She can maybe add cellar fan too. You could buy that at a party store. So it’s really easy right?


Just add some light flections here …


You need cellar fan..

Right exactly

You look great Erin, thank you.

Yeah where to go. What’s this look?

So this is our skull-Meister, The skull is my favorite. It is sort of an Epitome classic Halloween look right yeah

…and Mark did a great job on //here really sculpting out his bone structure. This is what he looked like. He didn’t have skin

Here’s the bid for… we never know

Oh here he is

Yeah, well, I guess that really is an adventure, really do in this serious makeup.


You can walk into a room with people who know you well and they say we have no idea

You can get away with murder, I swear. Look at you. You look fabulous and the thing which’s great about this is that it’s really about sculpting out bone structure again and even if you would just socket it out the eyes and use a little bit of black around the nose and shading, you would almost have it.

So, it’s really..

Can I say also for the record the whole thing with the teeth, making the teeth


Yeah go like this. Can you go like this? No.

Oh, don’t do that

All right, never mind

Thanks so much. What is this look down here

And then this is our colors-fill. This is a look that I completed. This is Heather. And what we did was use the combinations of these pigments again which are frosted and we added the water...
