
This is VOA news. Reporting by remote, I'm David Byrd.President Joe Biden says that his administration's goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans before the first 100 days of his administration will be reached as of Friday.Speaking at the White House, Biden said a combination of hard work and putting the nation on a "war footing" against the coronavirus has led to the success."I'm proud to announce that tomorrow, 58 days into our administration, we will have met my goal of administering 100 million shots to our fellow Americans.”The President said that while this is a time for optimism it is not a time to be careless. He continued to urge Americans to wash their hands, socially distance and to wear a mask to prevent transmission of the COVID-19 virus.


The European Union's drug regulatory agency says experts have concluded the AstraZeneca vaccine is not linked to an overall increase in the risk of blood clots and that the benefits of use outweigh the risk.The finding from the European Medicines Agency could open the way for European countries that had suspended the use of the vaccine over the past week to resume dispensing the shots.Emer Cook is the executive director of the EMA."This vaccine is a safe and effective option to protect citizens against COVID-19. It demonstrated that at least 60 percent efficacy in clinical trials and preventing coronavirus disease and in fact the real-world evidence suggests that the effectiveness could be even higher than that.”Several countries, including France, Germany and Italy that had suspended use of the vaccine, now say they will resume giving the shots on Friday.Visit voanews.com for more. This is VOA News.

