美联社新闻一分钟 AP 纽约州州长陷性骚扰丑闻(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


Congress begins debate this week on a massive elections overhaul bill. Democrats say they want to make it easier for people to vote, regardless of political party. Republicans say the reforms would erode voter confidence.


Donald Trump called for Republican unity, in his speech to a conservative conference in Orlando, Florida. He also called about by name the 17 Republican politicians who voted to impeach or convict him.


Syrian state media reported a series of alleged Israeli airstrikes near Damascus. Israeli media reports said the alleged airstrikes were on Iranian targets, after Israel's PM accused Iran of attacking an Israeli-owned cargo ship at sea.


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo released a statement acknowledging his behavior with women "may have been insensitive or too personal." He also said he would cooperate with a sexual harassment investigation.

