英语新闻听写 苹果之劲敌?谷歌推出新手机和平板(在线收听

On Tuesday Google is launching a bunch of new products, including the Pixel 3 smartphone, at an event in New York.

周二,谷歌将在纽约的发布会上推出一系列新产品,包括“Pixel 3”智能手机。

But consumers don't have to watch the event to get the low-down — Google itself posted an unlisted video to YouTube showing off all of its new gadgets, just minutes before the event even started.


Business Insider reports the video shows off the Google Pixel 3, the Google Home Hub smart speaker, and the Pixel Slate tablet.

据“Business Insider”报道,该视频展示了谷歌Pixel 3、谷歌Home Hub智能音箱和Pixel Slate平板电脑。
