英语新闻听写 加入大麻的饮料市场广阔(在线收听

The CEO of beverage giant Molson Coors said the market for cannabis in Canada alone could be as much as $10 billion.

饮料巨头“Molson Coors”的CEO表示,仅加拿大的大麻市场就可能高达100亿美元。

According to the company, cannabis-infused beverages could represent up to 30% of that market.


Business Insider reported that Molson Coors entered a joint venture in August with a Quebec-based cannabis cultivator to produce infused beverages for the Canadian market.

据“Business Insider”报道,今年8月,“Molson Coors”与魁北克市的大麻种植者成立了一家合资企业,为加拿大市场生产注入型饮料。

CEO Mark Hunter said cannabis could be a $7 billion to $10 billion market in Canada.

