英语新闻听写 马斯克称福特撑不过下一次经济衰退(在线收听

According to Business Insider, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in an interview with Recode that there's a "good chance" Ford doesn't survive the next recession.

据“Business Insider”报道,特斯拉CEO伊隆·马斯克在接受“Recode”采访时表示,福特“很有可能”撑不过下一次经济衰退。

Musk was discussing the difficulty of creating a successful auto company and how Tesla, Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler (now Fiat Chrysler) struggled during the 2008 recession.


Musk did not explain his prediction further.


Tesla and Ford did not immediately respond to Business Insider's requests for comment.

特斯拉和福特都没有立即回复“Business Insider”的置评请求。
