
When arts meet the high fasion world...

Now do when exhibit work art meets the highest fashion world the house of Channel is celebrating its signature quoted handbag with an art exhibition traveling all over the globe. The show kicks three weeks to assemble. Currently is in New York central park. Considered only stop in US and recanting when to check it out.

Hey, Hollywood!

For the shriek women of Sex and City, Channel purses are a must have. And now in the city where the famous double C symbols, the Mac of all handbags exhibits has landed.

This unique design may look like a spaceship but it is actually a traveling pavilion filled with contemporary artwork. All work is inspired by Channel's quilted-style chain handbag first make famous in 1955.

Some of the exhibits are obscure like this video that shows handbags being used as target practice. Inside these cardboard boxes, naked men and women are lining up for the bags. Other pieces are more vintager now with the signature quilting. This is a replica of cocas of original stereo case.

Tell me what you thought about the exhibit.

You know, I wasn’t expecting such a sense of wonderments. I think that the Channel brand, you know, it’s so proper yet, it has so much like mistaken, sex appeals.

Make you wanna buy a Channel bag?

Reminded me that I cannot afford to buy a Channel bag.

It’s really interesting when you think about \ temporary art and advertising have been coming close together over the last, you know, several decades and this was, it seems very in that vein.

The 7500 square foot pavilion was designed by renowned London architect Zaha Hadid and packs up into 51 containers that can be transported and put back together like a jigsaw puzzle. And just like a jag settling laundry bag, the traveling exhibit \ will be heading next to London, Moscow and Paris. Andre Cannon, ABC news, New York.
