

Teenage girl cry out for help on Youtube, the help did come at last, but will the girl be safe afterwards?

I need some help. I didn't wanna do in this way...

This 16-year-old girl from Florida has gone online hoping someone will hear her plea.

"Here I have to turn to this to make a video, to post on the Internet for somebody to hear me and help me coz' I was raped by a 23-year-old man, and nobody wants to help me”

The Rape Abuse and Incest National Network says more and more alleged sex abused victims whose cases never make it to court have been seeking justice online. But this is the first time a teenager has posted a video.

"All I’m asking for is someone out there in the world,anyone, anyone is watching this and listening to me. Please, please help me.”

"such a good girl”

This is the girl from that video Crystal. We are not using her last name. She told us she grew up with a troubled mother, and a father who was in and out of jail.

"I didn’t think I was gonna live to be 13. But I did. I have lived a really hard life and it's made me the person I am now.

Crystal says when she was 15, she met then 23-year-old Casey Mundling at a party. She recalls a night of drinking and doing drugs. Then she says she passed out.

"When I passed out in the middle of the night, and I wake up to a man and me, it’s not right.”

She says that first time turned into many more. And it only became harder for her to stay away from him.

"When I was telling him to stop, he’d whisper my ear that he love me, that he was always gonna to be there for me and I'm beautiful…”

But when her strange farther found pictures of Crystal posted on her Myspace page, posing with her 23-year-old boyfriend, he tracked her down. That’s when she told the Orange County sheriff's office about her relationship with Mundling.

"Are you telling the truth?”

"Yes. I’m telling the truth. He raped me and took advantage of me. And for those people who don’t believe me in the world, they don’t have to believe me.”

Last November, police arrested Mundling, for having sex with an underage girl. They charged him with lewd or lascivious battery. Crystal and her father thought the case would be prosecuted since Florida law states: "A 15-year-old cannot give consent to having sex." But then, just two weeks ago, Crystal learned her case was dropped.

"God, the day that they dropped my charges that I thought I was gonna die, I had an emotional breakdown, I cried for hours.”










Crystal说,她15岁的时候,在一个派对上遇到23岁的Casey Mundling。她回忆道,整晚都在喝酒,吸毒。然后她就昏迷了。




但是当她怪异的父亲看到她的空间上传的她和23岁的男朋友的照片时,他追踪她。那时候,Crystal告诉Orange County sheriff's 的警察她和Casey Mundling之间的关系。



去年11月,警察以与未成年少女发生关系为由逮捕了Casey Mundling。他们以挑逗和引诱罪起诉他。Crystal和父亲认为,这起案件能够胜诉,因为佛罗里达法律规定:“15岁以下青少年不能同意发生性关系。”但是,两周前,Crystal得知,她的案件被停止。

