
Immigration: The Human Cost

The Onion News Network's Jean Anne Whorton looks at how immigration has affected one former corporate executive.

America's Immigration Problem.

This controversial issue is often reported with facts and information that are very difficult to relate to. Our Jean Anne Whorton filed this report on the human cost of Mexicans.

“Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free.” These are the words enshrined at the base of the Statue of Liberty and in the hearts of every true American. But those words were written thousands of years ago and as millions of new immigrants flood across our borders each year, the American worker is paying the price.

Until July of last year, Raymond Boyle was a senior vice president of business development at Lucent Technologies, headquartered in Dallas, Texas.

I never thought this would happen to me. The man who took Ray Boyle's job is Alberto Fuentes, who illegally crossed the Arizona-Mexican border in the back of a melon truck 2 years ago.

I think the job gave me a sense of pride. Every week I brought home a cheque. It was able to feed the family.

And how much were you making?

840,000 and a half percent share on the company. An internal memo leaked to the Onion News Network revealed that Fuentes was willing to work for significantly less. Boyle was forced to sell his Texas estate and moved his family into their summer home in The Hamptons. Unless you’ve gone through it yourself, you can’t imagine what it’s like to live year-round in your summer home. I don’t know what we’re gonna do.

I refused to work, so it’s been very hard for us. Fuentes, who speaks no English and has no formal business training, has spurred double-digit growth since last quarter. His supervisor say it’s his ability to put in long hours without taking vacations.

I hope that Mexican man is happy with daddy’s job. So Raymond Boyle and thousands of other Americans just like him face an uncertain future.

It’s a difficult adjustment, no doubt about it. I’m working long hours and the waitresses make a lot more because they get the tips and I don’t. It’s really unfair. The whole system is really unfair.

For the Onion News Network, I’m Jean Anne Whorton.

Onion News Network的记者Jean Anne Whorton将为我们报道移民是怎样影响前公司高层管理人员的。


这个充满争议的话题经常和难以联系在一起的事实和信息一起报道。我们的Jean Anne Whorton报道了墨西哥的人力资源成本。


直到去年七月份,Raymond Boyle一直是总部位于得克萨斯达拉斯的朗讯科技的业务发展副总裁。

我从来没想到这种事情会发生在我身上。取代Raymond Boyle的工作的是Alberto Fuentes,此人两年前躲在甜瓜车后面非法越过亚利桑那和墨西哥之间的边境来到美国。


之前拥有840,000美元,相当于公司半成的股份。公司内部备忘录向Onion News Network透漏,Fuentes愿意用更少的薪水为他们工作。Raymond被迫出售得克萨斯的资产,举家迁移到汉普顿家的避暑别墅。除非你亲身经历,否则无法想象一年四季都待在避暑别墅里是什么感觉。我不知道我们接下来该怎么办。


我希望那些墨西哥人能够喜欢他们的工作,这样Raymond Boyle和千千万万其他美国人就不会前途未卜了。

