
Actinggirl12 says:


"How can I tell my parents that I think I have depression?"




This is such an important question. It depends what type of communicator you are. People who are not too verbal, letters are always good.


My suggestion is not to wait.


I think you should just tell them straight-on.


It's not a bad thing telling them that you're depressed. It's something that they could help you not become depressed with.


Straight-up being honest with them and what you think it is that could be causing it. Depression is a really serious thing.


If the thing that's depressing you is something you don't really want to tell people, you have to be able to confide in your parents with that information.


I know parents may not understand that. They think depression's just being sad, but it's not. It's a real thing. That's something serious that you really should tell your parents.


Be honest with them. Tell them that you have something that you want to talk to them about. And I'm 100% sure that they'll understand. They just want the best for you.


Be up front with it. This is a syndrome that a lot of people are dealing with. And stick with good, positive people. Your parents can help you out here, but you gotta let them know. Let them in on it.


Tell them exactly what issues you're having. You know, "I don't feel like I can get out of bed in the morning. I don't feel like I can handle situations all my friends are having no trouble handling." To self-diagnose yourself with depression is something that's really difficult because I think that everyone goes through a period in time when they're not sure if they're a normal teenager and they're just having hormones or if they're really having a medical problem.

