《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第22集第7期:和好如初(在线收听

Don't make me regret being your friend.Ok?

别让我后悔跟你做朋友 好吗

I don't believe that we can't fix this.I lied. I was wrong.

我相信我们一定可以和好的 我骗了你 我错了

But you're my brother, Jer, and I love you.And I have to fix it.

但是你是我弟弟 杰里 我爱你 我一定要同你和好如初

So, just tell me. What can I do?You can go to hell, Elena.

所以请告诉我 我该怎么办 埃琳娜 见鬼去吧

I have so many emotions, but I don't have any way to express them.

我心里百感交集 却没有办法释放

Being a teenager is so hard.You dick.

做青少年太不容易了 混蛋

You do not talk to me like that.I'm not your sister.

别这么跟我说话 我不是你姐

And from now on, don't talk to your sister that way, either.

从现在起 也别用这种态度跟你姐说话

So, what, you're gonna kill me just 'cause I hurt Elena's feelings?

那又怎样 我伤害埃琳娜你就杀了我

Cut her some slack.She erased my memories.No, I did.

对她好一点 她抹去了我的记忆 错 那是我做的

She was protecting you.It wasn't her call to make.

她是想保护你 她没有权力替我决定

Let go of me before I cause a scene.

在我引起众人注意之前 放开我

You'll be unconscious before you even got a word out.Let him go.

你嘴还没张开 我就把你打晕了 放开他
