《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第1集第8期:更好的计划(在线收听

I'm not Katherine.We know she did this to you.We need to know why.

我不是凯瑟琳 我们知道是她干的 我们得知道原因

Where is she?You tell us.I don't know.

她在哪 你告诉我们 我不知道

You're a little too weak to play tough guy.Why don't you just sit back,answer a few questions.

你不要逞强了 还是好好躺着 回答几个问题吧

Please.Tell us why she's here.What does she want?

拜托了 告诉我们为什么她会在这 她想得到什么

She'll try again.We can't help you if you don't Confide in us.In you?

她还会再下毒手的 如果你不信任我们 我们没法帮你 信任你

In your daughter, then.My daughter should have driven a stake through your heart by now.

那就信任你女儿 我女儿现在应该把木棍刺入你的心脏

I haven't spoke with katherine directly.She never trusted me.

我没有和凯瑟琳正面交谈过 她从不信任我

So either kill me, or get out.Because I can't stand the sight of you with my daughter.

所以 要么杀了我 要么出去 因为我无法容忍你和我女儿在一起

You see the problem with such hatred?It's gonna get you killed.

你如此仇视地看待这个问题 这会让你送命的

You may be ok with dying, but I have a better plan for you.

也许你不怕死 但我有个更好的计划

You now have my blood in your system.All I have to do is kill you.

现在你的身体里有我的血 我要做的就是杀了你

Now take my advice Leave town. Elena doesn't want you here.

现在 听从我的忠告 离开小镇 埃琳娜不想让你在这

You have about 24 hours before the blood leaves your system.That's enough time to disappear.

在血液排出体内前 你有大约24小时 有足够的时间让你消失

Or so help me god, I will turn you into a vampire and I will watch you hate yourself more than you already do.Clock starts now.

不然 对天发誓 我会把你变成吸血鬼 然后眼睁睁地看着你更加痛恨自己 计时开始
