《吸血鬼日记》第二季精讲 第1集第13期:谢谢你的问候(在线收听

Hey. How are you doing?Great, Elena. Walkin' on sunshine.Thanks for asking.

你最近怎样 很好 埃琳娜 漫步阳光下 谢谢你的问候

Damon...Elena...We should be able to talk about this.

达蒙 埃琳娜 我们得谈谈这事

Damon, we're close enough now.I really want to know how you're doing.

达蒙 我们关系很好了 我真的想知道你到底怎么了

I kissed you, I thought you kissed me back.Doppelganger hijinks ensued.

我亲了你 我以为你回应我了 你的替身胡闹呢

How do you think I'm doing?I think that you're hurt.

你觉得我会怎么样 我觉得你很受伤

Hmm. Oh, I don't get hurt, Elena.No, you don't admit that you get hurt.

错了 我没受伤 埃琳娜 你怎么就不承认自己受伤了呢

You get angry and cover it up,and then you do something stupid.

明明生气了还要掩饰 然后又会做出些蠢事

You're scared.You think Katherine's going to send me off the deep end, don't you?I don't need to hurt for that.

你害怕了 你怕我被凯瑟琳气得 做出什么傻事来 是吧 我不会因为这个受伤的

You know, why,Why is it such a surprise that I would kiss you?

只是 为什么 为什么这么惊讶 我会吻你

That's not a surprise.I'm surprised that you thought I would kiss you back.

我不为这个惊讶 只是惊讶你以为我会回应你

Now I'm hurt.Elena!Bonnie, what happened?

我现在很受伤了 埃琳娜 邦妮怎么了

Oh, hey, sorry. I was just looking for the, uh The bathroom's down the hall.

打扰了 我想问一下 洗手间在大厅尽头

Hey, look, I'm,I'm sorry about your dad.

那个 我 请节哀顺变

Today's been a big day of sorrys from people who really don't give a crap.

那些以前招呼都不打的人 今天都假惺惺地来慰问了
